We want to express our heartfelt gratitude for your continuous support and unwavering affection.
It has come to our attention that several counterfeit websites and false social media accounts that are impersonating Hulala Home, attempting to obtain customers' personal information and sensitive data. We want to assure you that Hulala Home operates solely on our official website hulalahome.com, and our singular contact email is hello@hulalahome.com.
Recently, we've discovered multiple counterfeit websites mimicking Hulala Home, deceiving customers into entering personal bank account details, passwords, and other sensitive information, resulting in financial losses. The Hulala Home team has gathered substantial evidence related to these incidents.
These impostors' website links may appear under different domain names or make slight alterations to the Hulala Home official URL hulalahome.com.
We strongly advise all customers to exercise caution when dealing with any unverified websitesor information to prevent potential leaks of personal information or financial losses.
In our commitment to uphold the integrity of the Hulala Home brand and safeguard the lawful rights of our consumers, we emphasize the following:
Content purporting to be from the "Hulala Home official website," except information acknowledged by Hulala Home-authorized affiliates or agents, is false.
We issue a strong warning to infringers to immediately cease such activities. Hulala Home will retain all legal rights to pursue any infringement upon Hulala Home-related rights under the law.
We kindly urge you to repeatedly verify any personal bank account details, passwords, and sensitive information entered on websites. If you suffer property loss, please note that Hulala Home is not obligated to assist in claiming the loss, but we welcome you to provide us with information on the fake website; we are willing to communicate with you about this matter.
The Hulala Home team remains committed to providing a superior product experience to our global customers while safeguarding our brand's rights. We reiterate our call to customers to remain vigilant and cautious. If you encounter any suspicious activities, please promptly contact Hulala Home customer service for verification. We welcome reports on counterfeit websites and false information.
Your attention and ongoing support are deeply appreciated.
Warm regards,